Our expertise,
your journey
Across all industrial sectors, the alliance between data analytics and numerical simulation has become an essential tool driving industrial, scientific and societal innovation despite the complexity of implementing and using HPC infrastructure.
In this context, facilitating the transition toward hybrid environments, integrating flexible and on-demand resources with existing HPC infrastructures is what UCIT define as “The HPC Cloud Journey“.
To help clients along their journey UCIT have developed the following methodologies and assets.

Reference architecture
An HPC Cloud infrastructure which looks like yours, so that you can compare, use, evaluate. and integrate in your framework. This is what our reference architecture is about. All along your journey from Analyze-IT, CloudSHaper to CCME you’ll hear about your compute cluster, high speed & low latency interconnects, parallel file system, job scheduler. And these will transparently go along with Cloud flexiblle ease of use and elasticity.