An ecosystem

UCIT are a proud member of the HPC Community in Europe and in France with active memberships in ETP4HPC and Teratec.

And we wouldn’t be what we are without a strong ecosystem of Technology Partners.

A team that takes off

They say you can see a person’s personality from their shoes … So who is behind it?


The European stage provides powerful framework for collaboration and innovation. We participate or lead in projects aligned with our vision. HPC-as-a-Service, Hybrid infrastructures, Edge-to-Cloud or eco-responsibility are a few keywords you’ll find here, they also nurture strong collaborations and real pleasure working with our partners.

In our world, HPC is already a service. The ambition of the EuroHPC HEROES project, coordinated by UCit is to integrate the marketplace concepts in this vision. Although the project will be able, in the future,  to provide value creation across multiple industrial sectors, the initial focus for the demonstrator will address workflows of strategic importance in the field of “Renewable Energy” and in “Manufacturing” applications where HPC is involved for the design of more Energy efficient products. Stay tuned on the progresses of our 2 years project at


AQMO aims at providing an end-to-end urban platform in the Rennes Metropolitan area that extends current practices in air quality measurements, allows citizens to grasp the data for their own sake and policy makers to take informed decisions. Rennes Metropolitan area regroups 43 cities and is the 10th largest metropolis in France in term of population.

After the end of the project, the platform is intended to be used by Rennes Metropole. Moreover, additional data and capabilities could be included easily, and the platform could be easily transferable and replicable to other cities.